Canadian Football Rules


Official site of the Canadian Amateur Football Association. Includes information about tackle, touch, and flag football as well as news, photos, and information about their programs. The biggest difference between the kicking rules in the two games is that there is no fair catch rule in Canadian football. In American football, if a kick returner thinks he will not be able to advance the ball after recovery, he can signal for a fair catch and be immune from contact.


Article 1 — Kicked Ball

A kicked ball is one struck by a player's foot or leg below the knee.

NOTE: If the ball accidentally strikes a player's leg or foot, it shall not be ruled as a kicked ball.

Article 2 — Drop Kick

A drop kick is made by dropping the ball from the hands and kicking it with the foot just as it rises from the ground.

Article 3 — Place Kick

A place kick is made by kicking the ball after it has been placed on the ground and held by a Team A player, who shall be considered offside with reference to the position of the ball.

On a kickoff, the ball may be held, placed on the ground or placed on a tee, provided that the lowest part of the ball shall be raised not more than three inches above the playing surface.

On a field goal or convert attempt, a kicking tee may be used provided that the ball shall be raised not more than one inch above the playing surface.

Article 4 — Punt

A punt is made by letting the ball fall from the hands and kicking it with the foot before it touches the ground.

Article 5 — Dribbled Ball

A dribbled ball occurs when the ball is kicked while not in possession or control of a player, i.e. a loose ball following a fumble, a blocked kick, a kickoff or a kick from scrimmage. Such a dribbled ball may be touched by the kicker or an onside player without penalty.

If touched by an offside player:

PENALTY: Ball awarded to opponent at point ball touched, or option.

If touched by an offside player in the opponent's Goal Area:

PENALTY: Ball awarded to opponent at its 25-yard line, or option.

If touched by an offside player in own Goal Area:

PENALTY: Ball awarded to opponent at 10-yard line, or option.

NOTE: If the touching by an offside player occurs on the last play of a half, the opponent may elect to extend the period for an additional play.

NOTE: A ball dribbled by Team A across the line of scrimmage does not interrupt the continuity of downs.

NOTE: A dribbled ball that strikes a goal post shall remain in play.

NOTE: When a ball is dribbled and recovered by Team A, they may not block below the waist.

Article 6 — Onside & Offside

Canadian Football History

Canadian football rules for dummies

An onside player is a member of the kicker's team who is behind the ball at the instant it is kicked towards the opponent's Dead Line.

An offside player is a member of the kicker's team who is not onside.

An offside player becomes an onside player when the ball, after being kicked towards the opponent's Dead Line, touches or is touched by an opponent, the kicker or another onside player.

EXCEPTION: On a kick from scrimmage, if a Team B player touches the ball before it crosses the line of scrimmage, such touching does not put an offside player of Team A onside.

Article 7 — Application Of Penalties

Canadian Football Rules Differences

Under this Rule 5, the penalty for any minor foul that occurs after the ball has been kicked and before possession has been gained by the receiving team shall be applied as follows:

Canadian Football Rules Vs Nfl

  1. Foul by kicking team (Other than Illegal Interference, Illegally Downfield on Kick, Illegal Kick Out of Bounds (Punt or Kickoff), No Yards, or failure to kickoff 10 yards): at point of last scrimmage (PLS), or point of kickoff, or point of actual kick on an open-field kick, as the case may be. If the open-field kick originates in the Goal Area, the penalty shall be applied at the 10-yard line.
  2. Foul by receiving team (ther than Contacting the Kicker, Roughing the Kicker, or Illegal Interference of the kicker or an onside player): at point receiving team gains possession (PPG) or is entitled to possession. If the possession was gained in the Goal Area, the penalty shall be applied from the receiving team's 10-yard line.